Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

A Gift amongst Curses

She was a gift amongst curses,
a dove in a world of vultures,
Beauty rare as honesty amongst thieves.
Hair-sublime, like the gardens of Babylon
Curly in nature and black as Ravens

Like the setting sun over a sea of diamonds;
Her eyes shine; steeling thrones from kings
Cheeks were like a bed of roses,
yielding sultry fragrances.
Her legs stood majestic as Greek columns,
mounted on Gold and Marble bases.

Her walk was poetry in motion.
Neck dripped with priceless strings of jewelry.
Lips tasted like fine wine;
I was drunk with lust.
Her body was like polished Ivory,
A land flowing with milk and honey.

Her skin was soft and smooth as silk
one touch could make the devil repent
Her name poured out my mouth, like sweet melodies
Birds singing in perfect harmony
Her mouth spoke of sweetness
performing miracles similar to that of Moses

Her smile made flesh out of frozen hearts,
and in all her greatness, she remained naiveté
she was unappeased by suitors with phantom promises
Predestined to rise above obstacles.
She was indeed a gift amongst curses
and I long to see her soon

Written by Chinomso


Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge