Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

Broken Angel

As the Last tear falls from my eyes my wings unwind themselves, and I take flight. I swore thru
the sky wondering why it was the lies. As moments flash before my eyes I realize again it was not
love that could set me free it was life. I put faith in mans hands and banished myself into solidarity
without his touch I crumbled. With out his smile my light faded. This once truly majestic wonder
has fallen under a spell and there is no test to measure the despair that overwhelmed my body.
As I lie sad, alone, broken, battered and bruised. I'm Gods special gift and I let myself get used. I
was supposed to encourage that man be his muse. I put my faith not in the father and became a
broken angel.

Written by Telitha Floyd


Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge