Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

You want power. End the war in the minds
Three enemies to fight system racism, the devil, and self
Each enemy's battleground begins on the top shelf

Imagine if we started out believing we could do everything
Every challenge would not offer a sting
We would press forward and catch every past
We would have avoided covid-19 by wearing a mask

The mind is where we fight our fears
The voice of the roaring lion who proves he does not care
With God in our mind, the devil will surely disappear

Systemic Racism has power if you give over to it
Knowing yourself will help you fight and not quit
This mind is a power source from God

Adam ruled the world with dominion for a short time
Being weakened by, lust his mind could not shine
If he only kept what was good, he would not die

So the mind needs what brings
Knowledge and spirituality will make it flourish and sing.

Written by Jonathan Grayson


Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge