Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

Life's Featured Attraction

It's not as simple as high then low.
Up then down.
Elated then Depressed.

It's not just a rollercoaster ride that only has
all mountains then straight valleys.
Twist then turns.
Straight-a-ways then loops.

It's my heart and my mind in a constant tug
of war as to who gets me
in the custody battle.

My heart has been there.
Nights when I cried consistently and
overflowed the Nile River not with
water...but with unfulfilled love.

My mind made me.
It formed me with clay of logic,
shaped me with tools of sense, and
taught me that reasoning is life.

So when I strap into the rollercoaster my
Excitement warns me
This ride is going to be longer than you thought.
You are not ready for this.
I shrug her off and check
my Sanity's seat belt.

But Excitement was right.
I am not ready for this.

The car creaks up the mountain.
Each click is a fun memory.
Each clack is horror warmed up.
The top of the rollercoaster mountain sees
me, knows I'm alone, and could care less.
My heart and my mind are too busy
fighting a battle that has no winner.
I drop hopelessly...screaming with no voice.

So it's not as simple as high then low.
Up then down.
Elated then Depressed.
It's my life
and you have to be THIS strong
then tall to ride.

Written by JW Bella


Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge