Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

The Feeling that the Heart Feels

The feeling that the heart feels
That iniates from that first hypnotic
Gaze of starry eyes and that body
As edible to kiss as an glutton's next meal,
But passion phase is over now, baby!
Are we romantic, funny, lazy, or dull,
I mean, do we ignite the desired zeal
Where twain we exist as one flesh,
Each other's concern becomes one's own;
How undeniably real!
Where no one else matters,
Where loyalty and love overflow,
The perfect catch, we reel;
Reconcilable differences, bad habits,
And idiosyncrasies threaten to part;
But ,no, not us, because our love we seal
Where if one dies the other mourns and cries
With death knocking at their door;
Can't you see the feeling that we feel,
In our little world that no one else is in on,
In a trance for a lifetime locked,
What a feeling that God deals
Through sickness and health,
Till death do us part,
Egos aside from the day that the male kneels
And the female accepts,
And ring for ring,
Signafies the feeling that the heart feels

More emphasis in today's lives needs to be put on unadulterated true marriage. There is simply no combination of
physical attraction and compatibility. This causes more cheating and break-ups in today's world, when problems
arise. People usually start off relationships with raw attraction, but don't take the time to get to know one another.
However, this is the most important part and should be first, because it has to do with whether you actually build
happy life-lasting relationships. I am talking about marriage and not dating. Marriage is a life long commitment, so
it envolves more planning. Marriage is holy and defiling it is an offense to God. If everything is not perfect for
marriage, then date until you're ready.

Written by Marcus Mitchell


Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge