Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

Simplicity to Complex

There's simplicity to complex;
A square is what I need;
To look through at our friendship;
And all our woes indeed;
As I like you;
And you like me;
And all the world should
Gladly see;
That things are not so complex
this calls 4 simplicity;
I like you;
Is not enough;
And though I'm strong
Then weak then tough;
I cannot fight the walls
You see;
You hawl directly up at me;
I can't chase a man whose running
Or grind him to a halt;
Or break my tearful breaking heart,
With someone whose a wont;
I can't deal with all your maybe's
And your there's but never heres,
I can't deal with all your halfway points
From no man's land to here;
I don't like my pentagons;
Or striving through red seas;
I can't climb your stupid mountains
With you not next to me;
I'm not crazy bout heptathlons;
They kind of get me vexed;
That things so small and minor
Become big things so complexed;
I guessed it pained to see;
You weren't that into me.

Written by Otatade Iseghohi Okojie


Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge