Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!


Today is as significant a day
as anyone could possibly imagine
you see with every hour that goes
by with every moon growing from
new to full the decisions we make effects
our total future and insight to our desires.
for the passions we yearn are all in our
hearts searching for a satisfaction each
one who is blessed to experience life
deserves. not because we're born with
a silver spoon but for the sheer fact that
everyone who lives has been born for
the enjoyment of life which is the reason
GOD gave us all a free will.
Anyone who doesn't live for realization of
their passion will not pursue it therefore
never really live a life of pure quality.
for quality of life doesn't dwell with
money or power but within the joy felt
from living the way in which one yearns
that is joy and simply put... it's simple

Written by Steven Cropper


Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge